Musical Monstar was born in KOBE 100PAN
This is legendary Panorama tune "Pan earthquake"
One month has past since the Kobe 100 Pan project.
These movies was uploaded on Facebook, and there were so many page views and likes. It made a real impact on steelband lovers in the world.
It's not a likely situation; this is the first time that over 100 Japanese players played this panorama tune as an evenly balanced orchestration, actually, keeping a fast tempo.
Something made a very big impression on me when we were in rehearsal the day before. We had already finished rehearsing the panorama tune, and the song, "Shiawase Hakoberu yoni (support earthquake damage song)". We were worried 100 players had made "time lag", and "noisy chaos sound", that I never experienced in Trinidad.
After that, another tune rehearsal began with Mr. Harada. This song, "Fantastic Voyage", was composed for this event and arranged by him also. When he was starting to conduct on the front, our sound began to change soon, in order to breathe new life and make one, brilliant sound. That was the moment of birth for this great musical monster that is full of life; our music changed from something like fake paper decorations, and we weren't only playing scores closely.
After that, we replayed another two tunes, and also changed the sounds be lively. We were so surprised we could play so nicely. The next day, we never made time lag or any noisy chaos sound.
We are so proud our sound be one sound. I'm very happy and lucky to play on front of this over 150 players steelband in Japan.
Fantastic Voyage
Shiawase Hakoberu yoni meaning "we wish we could be bringing Happy" in Japanese
This is rehearsal digest
This is the interview of the captain of host band "Fantastics".
次回練習のお知らせただいま、リトルマーメイドよりアンダーザシーを練習中‼ディズニー好きな方も、そうじゃないけどパンが好きな方も一緒にやりませんか♥10月11日(日)14時から16時あびこ駅すぐ 雷神ビル4階にて。見学、無料体験希望のかたはご連絡下さい♥♥日程のご都合がつかない方もご相談ください( ^∀^)
Posted by Panple Steelband on 2015年9月26日
This is ME!!!!
本日須磨海浜公園にてKOBEスティールパンカーニバル2015が開催されました‼ パンプルからもメンバーがKOBE100panプロジェクトに参加!!!!!100人以上で演奏する姿は圧巻でした。出演したメンバーの皆さんお疲れ様でした‼
Posted by Panple Steelband on 2015年9月20日
This is ME again!!
KOBE 100PANから速くも1ヶ月以上が過ぎました。