
こるりん べるりん こるりうちゅう むちゅう♪ ばんちょう やおちょう すてぃーるぱん ピザぱん♪


Let The Music Play

me and Bradley in 2004 at Desperadoes panyard (Laventille) I made a score by dictation one of the Desperadoes tune ”Let The Music Play ” because my friend asked me for her band. I was asked long before, but I couldn't it. I couldn't feel m…

Musical Monstar was born in KOBE 100PAN

This is legendary Panorama tune "Pan earthquake" One month has past since the Kobe 100 Pan project. These movies was uploaded on Facebook, and there were so many page views and likes. It made a real impact on steelband lovers in the world.…